If I appear for God, I may lose my bestate/b, my life. I say with the prophet, God is able to give you much more than this; he can give you for the present inward peace, and for the future a crown of glory which fadeth not away. b.../b
Presque partout - ? l?exception du nord du département - les nappes sont plus hautes que l?an dernier ? la m?me époque : de 50 cm ? Mareuil-Caubert, mais de 4 m ? bHangest/b, sur le plateau du Santerre, qui surplombe le fleuve en amont b.../b
23/7/1916 Entrained at Mericourt for Hangest-Sur-Somme and from there marched to Pont-Remy. 26/7/1916 Entrained for Dieuval 7/10/1916 Proceeded on motor-buses from Villlers L,Hopital to Lavieville. 8/10/1916 To Albert. ...